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The Beginning of A New Era of EPC Contractors In India

The Beginning of A New Era of EPC Contractors In India

The EPC market in India has grown a lot in the last few years with increased project size and complexity, increasing private clients and entry of several foreign players. Even when projects are awarded on Public-private partnership, there is an EPC opportunity for market players. Being a Power Plant EPC Company, we ensure the completion of the power plant from concept to commissioning including its operation and maintenance for the complete lifespan of the plant.

We are EPC Contractors in India and deals with a contract which is designed to satisfy lenders requirement. In our EPC contract, we assure that the lenders will get the project done in the stipulated completion date. It is the most well-known contract for any power plant organization. The contracts on many occasions are also called the turnkey development contracts.

We at N. S. Energy Group assemble these agreements with the goal that we could support an entire office, new plants or administrators. In a large portion of the contracting approach, the main consideration will rely upon the time accessible, the banks prerequisites and the personality of the temporary worker.

For the Power Plant Operation And Maintenance Services In India N. S. energy group are one of the lead active group in power sector. We undertake EPC or Turn the Key package of smallest to major Power plants. Moreover, we also suggest cost effective generation, co-generation and distribution of electrical power covering total plant distribution, building services, control, interlock and automation including renovation, modification, up gradation, energy conservation, and management.

The three areas where most of the contracts get impacted are time, cost or quality. In most of the cases, the EPC manages an agreement which is intended to fulfill money lenders necessity. At N. S. energy group whenever we take up new contracts, we also assure to deliver the companys revenue through its successful operation. Moreover, its definitely vital that the power station performs as required in terms of output, efficiency and reliability.


We manufacture Steam Turbine For Rice Mill which is specially designed machines, particularly for rice mill applications. The N. S. Energy Group offers the best, efficient and the most reliable solution in the entire industry for provision of steam for processing of rice at advancing stages. All our rice turbines has been delivering the best possible solutions to the varying needs of the plant.

Tags :pc contractors in india, power plant operation and maintenance services in india, steam turbine for rice mill